January 21, 2011

Author: AvidReader
From Amazon.com: This review is from: Energetics: The First Order (The Four Orders of Inherent Freedom) (Kindle Edition)

Energetics: The First Order (The Four Orders of Inherent Freedom) is the first book of a series of four. It is a sci/fi thriller that takes place in America and is something that could actually happen. You may not think that there is an alternative to how we use energy (fossil fuels, etc), but this book offers a solution.

Following the discovery of an eager graduate student at MIT and professors reigning in this genius, the book weaves a tale of political intrigue, espionage, and scientific experiments.

I do not want to give the plot away, so I’m not going to reveal too much. I want everyone here to know that I could not stop reading, and when I was finished, I wanted to buy the next book in the series, which isn’t even out yet! There is something for everyone in this novel, and that’s why I’ve given it 5 stars. Buy it. You won’t be disappointed.

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